What I Learned While Building an App for the Canvas Learning Management System

Life takes strange turns. I’m connected to the ed-tech world by way of Gardner Campbell, Jim Groom, and Mike Caulfield. They are fierce critics of the academy’s embrace of the Learning Management System (LMS) and are among the leaders of an indie-web movement that arose in opposition to it. So it was odd to find myself working on an app that would enable my company’s product, the Hypothes.is web/PDF annotator, to plug into what’s become the leading LMS, Instructure’s Canvas.

I’m not an educator, and I haven’t been a student since long before the advent of the LMS, so my only knowledge of it was second-hand. Now I can report a first-hand experience, albeit that of a developer building an LMS app, not that of a student or a teacher.

What I learned surprised me in a couple of ways. I’ve found Canvas to be less draconian than I’d been led to expect. More broadly, the LMS ecosystem that’s emerged — based on a standard called Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI), now supported by all the LMS systems — led me to an insight about how the same approach could help unify the emerging ecosystem of annotation systems. Even more broadly, all this has prompted me to reflect on how the modern web platform is both more standardized and more balkanized than ever before.

But first things first. Our Canvas app began with this request from teachers: “How can we enable students to use Hypothes.is to annotate the PDF files we upload to our courses?” There wasn’t any obvious way to integrate our tool into the native Canvas PDF viewer. That left two options. We could perhaps create a plugin, internal to Canvas, based on Hypothes.is and the JavaScript component (Mozilla’s PDF.js) we and others use to convert PDF files into web pages. Or we could create an LTI app that delivers that combo as a service running — like all LTI apps — outside Canvas. We soon found that the first option doesn’t really exist. Canvas is an open source product, but the vast majority of schools use Instructure’s hosted service. Canvas has a plugin mechanism but there seems to be no practical way to use it. I don’t know about other LMSs (yet) but if you want to integrate with Canvas, you’re going to build an app that’s launched from Canvas, runs in a Canvas page, and communicates with Canvas using the standard LTI protocol and (optionally) the Canvas API.

Working out how to do that was a challenge. But with lots of help from ed-tech friends and associates as well as from Instructure, we came up with a nice solution. A teacher who wants to base an assignment on group annotation of a PDF file or a web page adds our LTI app to a course. The app displays a list of the PDFs in the Files area of the course. The teacher selects one of those, or provides the URL of a web page to annotate, then completes the assignment in the usual way by adding a description, setting a date, and defining the grading method if participation will be graded. When the student clicks the assignment link, the PDF or web page shows up in a Canvas page with the Hypothes.is annotator active. The student logs into Hypothes.is, switches to a Hypothes.is private group (if the teacher created one for the course), engages with the document and with other students in the annotation layer, and at some point submits the assignment. What the teacher sees then, in a Canvas tool called Speed Grader, on a per-student basis, is an export of document-linked conversation threads involving that student.

The documents that host those conversations can live anywhere on the web. And the conversations are wide open too. Does the teacher engage with students? Do students engage with one another? Does conversation address predefined questions or happen organically? Do tag conventions govern how annotations cluster within or across documents? Nothing in Hypothes.is dictates any such policies, and nothing in Canvas does either.

Maybe the LMS distorts or impedes learning, I don’t know, I’m not an educator. What I can say is that, from my perspective, Canvas just looks like a content management system that brings groups and documents together in a particular context called a course. That context can be enhanced by external tools, like ours, that enable interaction not only among those groups and documents but also globally. A course might formally enroll a small group of students, but as independent Hypothes.is users they can also interact DS106-style with Hypothes.is users and groups anywhere. The teacher can focus on conversations that involve enrolled students, or zoom out to consider a wider scope. To me, at least, this doesn’t feel like a walled garden. And I credit LTI for that.

The app I’ve written is a thin layer of glue between two components: Canvas and Hypothes.is. LTI defines how they interact, and I’d be lying if I said it was easy to figure out to get our app to launch inside Canvas and respond back to it. But I didn’t need to be an HTTP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or Python wizard to get the job done. And that’s fortunate because I’m not one. I just know enough about these technologies to be able to build basic web apps, much like ones I was able to build 20 years ago when the web first became a software platform. The magic for me was always about what simple web apps can do when connected to the networked flow of information among people and computers. My Canvas experience reminded me that we can still tap into that magic.

Why did I need to be reminded? Because while the web’s foundation is stronger than ever, the layers being built on it — so-called frameworks, with names like Angular and Ember (in the browser), Rails and Pyramid (on the server) — are the province of experts. These frameworks help with common tasks — identifying users, managing interaction with them, storing their data — so developers can focus on what their apps do specially. That’s a good and necessary thing when the software is complex, and when it’s written by people who build complex software for a living.

But lots of useful software isn’t that complex, and isn’t written by people who do that for a living. Before the web came along, plenty got built on Lotus 1-2-3, Excel, dBase, and FoxPro, much of it by information workers who weren’t primarily doing that for a living. The early web had that same feel but with an astonishing twist: global connectivity. With only modest programming skill I could, and did, build software that participated in a networked flow of information among people and computers. That was possible for two reasons. First, with HTML and JavaScript (no CSS yet) I could deliver a basic user interface to anyone, anywhere, on any kind of computer. Second, with HTTP I could connect that user interface to components and databases all around the web. Those components and databases were called web sites by the people who viewed them through the lens of the browser. But for me they were also software services. Through the lens of a network-savvy programming language (it was Perl, at the time) the web looked like a library of software modules, and URLs looked like the API (application programming interface) to that library.

If I had to write a Canvas plugin I’d have needed to learn a fair bit about its framework, called Rails, and about Ruby, the language in which that framework is written. And that hard-won knowledge would not have transferred to another LMS built on a different framework and written in a different language. Happily LTI spared me from that fate. I didn’t need to learn that stuff. When our app moves to another LMS it’ll need to know how to pull PDF files out of that other system. And that other system might not yet support all the LTI machinery required for two-way communication. But assuming it does, the app will do exactly what it does now — launch in response to an “API call” (aka URL), deliver a “component” (an annotation-enabled document) — in exactly the same way.

Importantly I wasn’t just spared a deep dive into Rails, the server framework that powers Canvas. I was also spared a deep dive into Angular, the JavaScript framework that powers the Hypothes.is client. That’s because our browser-based app can work as a pluggable component. It’s easy to embed Hypothesis in web pages and not much harder to do the same for PDFs displayed in the browser. All I had to do was the plumbing. I wish that had been easier than it was. But it was doable with modest and general skills. That makes the job accessible to people without elite and specific skills. How many more such people are there? Ten times? A hundred? The force multiplier, whatever it may be, increases the likelihood that useful combinations of software components will find their way into learning environments.

All this brings me back to Hypothes.is, and to the annotation ecosystem that we envision, promote, and expect to participate in. The W3C Web Annotation Working Group is defining standard ways to represent and exchange annotations, so that different kinds of annotation clients and servers can work together as do different kinds of email clients and email servers, or browsers and web servers. Because Hypothes.is implements early variants of those soon-to-be-formalized annotation standards, I’ve been able to do lots of useful integration work. Much of it entails querying our service for annotation data and then filtering, transforming, or cross-linking it. That requires only basic web data wrangling. Some of the work entails injection of that data into web pages. That requires only basic web app development. But until recently I didn’t see a way to democratize the ability to extend the Hypothes.is client.

Here’s a example of the kind of thing I want to be able to do and, more importantly, that I want others to be able to do. Like other social systems we offer tags as a principal way to organize data sets. In Hypothes.is you can use tags to keep track of documents as well as annotations linked to those documents. The tags are freeform. We remember and prompt with the tags you’ve used recently, but there are no rules, you can make up whatever tags you want. That’s great for casual use. If you need a bit more rigor, it’s possible to agree with your collaborators on a restricted set of tags that define key facets of the data you jointly create. But pretty soon you find yourself wishing for more control. You want to define specific lists of terms available in specific contexts for specific purposes.

Hypothes.is uses the Angular framework, as I’ve said. It also relies on a set of components that work only in that framework. One of those, called ngTagsInput, is the tag editor used in Hypothes.is. The good news is that it handles basic tagging quite well, and our developers didn’t need to build that capability, they just plugged it in. The bad news is that in order to do any meaningful work with ngTagsInput, you’d need to learn a lot about it, about how it works within the Angular framework, and about Angular itself. That hard-won knowledge won’t transfer to another JavaScript framework, nor will what you build using that knowledge transfer to another web client built on another framework. A component built in Angular won’t work in Ember just as a component built for Windows won’t work on the Mac.

With any web-based technology there’s always a way to get your foot in the door. In this case, I found a way to hook into ngTagsInput at the point where it asks for a list of terms to fill its picklist. In the Hypothes.is client, that list is kept locally in your browser and contains the tags you’ve used recently. It only required minor surgery to redirect ngTagsInput to a web-based list. That delivered two benefits. The list was controlled, so there was no way to create an invalid tag. And it was shared, so you could synchronize a group on the same list of controlled tags.

A prototype based on that idea has helped some Hypothes.is users manage annotations with shared tag namespaces. But others require deeper customization. Scientific users, in particular, spend increasing time and effort annotating documents, extracting structured information from them, and classifying both the documents and the annotations. For one of them, it wasn’t enough to connect ngTagsInput to a web-based list of terms. People need to see context wrapped around those terms in order to know which ones to pick. That context was available on the server, but there was no way to present it in ngTagsInput. Cracking that component open and working out how to extend it to meet this requirement is a job for an expert. You’d need a different expert to do the same thing for ngTagsInput’s counterpart in a different JavaScript framework. That doesn’t bode well if you want to end up with annotation ecosystem made of standard parts.

So, channeling Douglas Hofstadter, I wondered: “What’s the LTI of annotation?” The answer I came up with, in another prototype, was a way to embed a simple web application in the body of an annotation. Just as my LTI app is launched in the context of a Canvas course, with knowledge of the students and resources in that course as well as API access to both Canvas and to the global network of people and information, so with this little web app. It’s launched in the context of an annotation, with knowledge of the properties of that annotation (document URL, quote, comment, replies, tags) and with API access to both Hypothes.is and to the same global network of people and information. Just as my LTI app requires only basic web development knowledge and ability, so with this annotation app. You don’t need to be an expert to create something useful in this environment. And the thing you do could transfer to another standards-based annotation environment.

There’s nothing new here. We’ve had all these capabilities for 20 years. Trends in modern web software development pile on layers of abstraction and push us toward specialization and make it harder to see the engine under the hood that that runs everything. But if you lift the hood you’ll see that the engine is still there, humming along more smoothly than ever. One popular JavaScript framework, called jQuery, was once widely used mainly to paper over browsers’ incompatible implementations of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and an underlying technology called the Document Object Model. jQuery is falling into disuse because modern browsers have converged remarkably well on those web standards. Will Angular and Ember and the rest likewise converge on a common system of components? A common framework, even? I hope so; opinions differ; if it does happen it won’t be soon.

Meanwhile Web client apps, in fierce competition with one another and with native mobile apps, will continue to require elite developers who commit to non-portable frameworks. Fair enough. But that doesn’t mean we have to lock out the much larger population of workaday developers who command basic web development skills and can use them to create useful software that works everywhere. We once called Perl the duct tape of the Internet. With a little knowledge of it, you could do a lot. It’s easy to regard that as an era of lost innocence. But a little knowledge of our current flavors of duct tape can still enable many of us to do a lot, if systems are built to allow and encourage that. The LTI ecosystem does. Will the annotation ecosystem follow suit?

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